In this past Tuesday’s episode of Fox Broadcasting’s The New Girl (titled “TinFinity”), the lead character Jess (Zoey Deschanel) meets a handsome and gifted professional football player, Jax McTavish (Steve Howey). Jess is smitten by the charismatic man until she realizes that his athletic ability isn’t the only extraordinary thing about him. Along with his talent, Jax clearly demonstrates emotional overexcitability.
Jess questions her roommate, Winston, about his friend, asking: “Is Jax known for being intense?”
Winston’s response is a fitting explanation of Dabrowski’s overexcitabilities.
“Yeah, he is supposed to be intense,” replies Winston. “He is a professional athlete. He doesn’t run, he sprints. He doesn’t jump, he leaps. And he doesn’t like, Jess, he loves.”
Here is a clip from the episode, spotlighting Jax’s emotional intensity:
If you haven’t seen the episode, full episodes of The New Girl are available one week after broadcast on fox.com.
Interesting. To a professional not familiar with Dabrowski’s theories, it might be assessed as a mental disorder.